Frankie Cervantes Art by Frankie LogoFrankie Cervantes Art by Frankie Logo

I admired my father Robert Cervantes in many ways—his intelligence, diligence, creativity, and ability to paint just about anything. While it was a hobby, my dad became a commissioned artist. When he pulled out his canvas on the weekends, I was right by his side painting as if I were Picasso (laugh here). Shown left is my first oil painting—age four. We lived behind a farm in London, England. If you can see the farmer feeding the chicks and rooster and the brown cow consider yourself a fan of abstract art (or you have a great sense of humor).

As an adult, I decided to delve deeper into my artistic ability. It has taken a few years, but just like my dad, I’m a commissioned artist. I’m well-versed in drawing and painting animals, structures, landscapes, etc. My primary focus is to paint with bright and bold colors and nostalgia by representing iconic people and pop culture such as music, fashion, and technology from past decades.

Since being commissioned, the personalized layered abstract pieces have become popular amongst art enthusiasts internationally.

Many submitted entries to become the sole artist at Historically Awesome and I am honored to have been chosen. Some of the artwork will be available at Historically Awesome, but all my pieces will be ready to purchase and to be claimed yours.

I look forward to bringing you joy with my creations.


Frankie Cervantes - artbyfrankie - age 4
Frankie Cervantes - artbyfrankie - age 4
Frankie Cervantes abstract artwork, age 4.
Frankie Cervantes abstract artwork, age 4.

Frankie, Age 4

Frankie's so-called Picasso, Age 4

Historically Awesome Logo - Find on EtsyHistorically Awesome Logo - Find on Etsy

The Artwork